Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing

In the absence of Health, the process conducted to replace the health in the body and mind is called Healing . In another way it means to make free from any injury or diseases, we can solve the health issues through spiritual healing .


Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.
-Benjamin Disraeli


  • Spiritual Healing is a two-way process between the healer and the receiver . Healing can never be pushed or forced into a person against his or her WILL . it will not work in such cases . At the end unfortunately they loss or miss the entire Divine blessing opportunity due to lack of inner purification .
  • In the recent  National Center of Complementary and Alternative Medicine survey says a significantly high percentage of the population makes use of prayer for other people , many people believe that  if I pray for you , you will become better , or if you pray for me,  I will become better , and yet we know  very little of the mechanism to explain how this might happen, so this is a frontier area for research . To date , more than 180 studies have been done in this area with more than half of them producing significant results . 
  • In these experiments one person through their intention tries to influence the physiology or the physical condition of a target system , As of our trial method there have been hundreds of controlled Healing trials looking at intercessory prayer, seventy percent of these have produced statistically with significant positive results. 
  • The most important aspect of this integral approach to Healing is the transformation that happens in the Healer. Rather than thinking about this as something outside of ourselves, how do we really bring these principles into our own lives. 
  • Key to an integral approach is not the content of the Healing bag , but the holder of the bag .One who has opened herself or himself to the MULTIDIMENSIONAL nature of Healing , including Body , Mind , Soul , Spirit , Culture and Nature .

Memories at INTENSE