Spiritual Counselling

spiritual counselling

Spiritual Counselling

Spiritual Counselling is a contracted meeting between a client and a counsellor.  The meeting happens at a set time, in an agreed place, for the sole benefit of the client. Counselling and psychotherapy are umbrella terms that cover arrange of talking therapies.  They are delivered by trained practitioners who work with people over the short or long term to help them bring about effective change or enhance their wellbeing.


To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.

-Gautama Buddha



  • Counselling is quite different from someone just listening to you, A counsellor will contract with you, making an agreement on when the sessions will take place, how many sessions there will be , and the cost [ If it is paid service ]  They will inform you about confidentiality in terms of what they can and cannot disclose.
  • Guidance and counselling are two different terms the guidance aims at giving solutions while counselling aims at finding problems, working  over it and then resolving. However, both the process attempts to solve  the problems of the client whereby the participation of both client and the expert should be there.
  • Counselling is a developmental process, in which one individual [ the counsellor ]  provides to another individual or group [ the client ] . guidance or encouragement , challenge and inspiration in creatively managing and resolving  practical , personal and relationship and Health issues , In achieving goals and self- realization .
  • Counselling is a process in which clients learn how to make decisions and formulate new ways of behaving, feeling, and thinking. Counselors focus  on the goals their clients wish to achieve. Clients explore their present levels of functioning and the changes that must be made to achieve personal objectives. Thus counselling involves both choice and change, evolving through distinct stages such as exploration, goal setting and action. 
  • Counselling encompasses various subspecialties include school or college counselling, marriage and family counselling and psychological health counselling.  

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